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As you can see my readers I am back. I know, long time no see, well read. I know, why have a blog if I am not going to keep up with it? Sorry about that. I am going to try harder to keep up with it better. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome took over me, it is not something I can explain in a few sentences down the rabbit hole as I call it. I also am of course going to let you know how Pandora’s Order is doing. Where do I start is the question? Generally at the beginning. That would be Pandora’s Order.

Pandora’s Order still has a website, pandorasorder.com. Take a stop by and check it out. Exciting things are going to start to happen there. We have several books coming out this year. One may catch your eye. I have found the publishing business very educational and challenging to say the least. I can’t tell you how many times I have ended up yelling at Word to, “Just work dammit!!!” I suppose if you are a fly on the wall, it could be rather humorous.

Pandora’s has four new books out as of the new year. We are very excited about that. Though there is always something to do. A new book to format, a trailer to make, social media to run. So on and so forth. We are still a small company. That means a lot of jobs are done by me. This means I have to balance my time. As is I am writing this at midnight. That being said, I am going to move onto the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

Last December I had a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome bought. It took me out. Anyone with CFS or anyone who has a loved one with CFS will know what this is like to deal with. It is like you have been tapped on the top of your head and poof, all your energy has been drained. You don’t even want to get up an eat. I looked at the bathroom down the hall and it took me about a half hour to get there because I was so drained.

One of my authors was not surprised that I had the attack because in his words, “I was a machine with work.” Which I suppose was true. I had to see the Dr. who put me on bedrest for six weeks. No work. I was going crazy. After the six weeks I was allowed to go back to work for four hours a day five days a week, then five hours a day for five days a week. All the while building up my strength slowly to get over the CFS. That is what I want to talk about, how I built up my strength to be able to get up to an eight hour work day, along with going to my support groups and teaching two classes.

A lot of it has to do with nutrition. I have cut out sugar. No more Mt. Dews. No more cakes. No more cookies. All the sugar gone. Though I still eat honey, agave and the like. I eat more vegetarian during the week and I eat my meats on the weekend. I eat a lot of nuts and dried fruit. Since I work on the computer for my job, I work on the computer for 45 minutes and then for 15 minutes of the hour I do chores.

I meditate in the morning. Write in my journal. I make my schedule on google calendar the night before or in the morning. I have a regular sleeps schedule, that gets interrupted with regular bathroom breaks through the night. Thus the writing at midnight. I also do not take on more than I can handle. No matter how mad people get at me. I realized I am not Superwoman. I can not do it all. I have to take one thing at a time. This is how I recovered. Taking one thing at a time. I would love to hear from some of you who have CFS and what you do to survive on a day to day basis.

I think it would be helpful to others who have CFS. Drop a line below and share your journey if you feel comfortable or maybe leave a tip of how you survive/battle CFS.

As always, thanks for stopping by. Until next time…
